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Keeping track of all of those to do's!

I recently found TaskClone through an article I read in Feedly. {I don't remember who wrote the blog post or even where it was.}  TaskClone will pull to do's in an Evernote note to a Task List note in Evernote.  You have to sign up for TaskClone and then connect your Evernote account.  The free version of TaskClone will only work with Evernote but with the paid versions you can connect with other to do apps.

In Evernote I have a notebook called To Do that I keep notes in that have reoccurring to dos and any genealogy notes that I am currently working on.  All of the notes in this notebook have a reminder set. {except for one because it is a transcription of an image in another note in this To Do notebook.}

 In the image above you can see my To Do notebook in my Inbox stack {left column}, the middle column shows the notes in the To Do notebook, the blue box in the middle column is showing where the reminders are, and in the third column on the right is the note.  The red box in the note is where TaskClone does its magic.

Inside any note in Evernote insert a check box and then your to do.  Next, add the taskclone tag to your note, sync your note,  and watch the magic happen.  TaskClone will create a note called My Task List in your default notebook and then any note that you add a check box to and the taskclone tag will show up in that task list.  |TC| is added in front of the text box in your note so it is not added to your Task List again.

The two images below are of my Task List :

The image above shows what the Task List looks like once it is created from your tagged notes.  After this first bunch of notes came in I made some adjustments to my note and the way I label my to do's.

The image above is the current Task List version that I use to keep track of all of my to dos and where I am at with researching a specific person.  I add the date in bold for each day that I get to work on genealogy, even if it is only for a few moments.  As I create notes I add the check box and whatever the to do is and it shows up under the line at the bottom of my note.  I cut the text below the line and paste it under the correct date heading.  As items are done in the list I add the date completed and highlight it yellow.  Some of the dates have purple text under the date heading and that is for any notes to remind me of what I was working on and where I left off.  I also go to the note and remove the taskclone tag to help keep my tags organized and up to date.

Note : You cannot change the name of the My Task List note; if you do it will create a new note.  I created a short cut to the My Task List note so that it is easy to find and I don't have to go through a bunch of other notes in my Inbox notebook since that is my default notebook.  {To create a shortcut to your My Task List Note drag your note to the favorites or shortcuts bar and it will create a link to the note.}

I only use the free version of TaskClone but I can see my notes that have reminders in Remember the Milk and also on my Sunrise Calendar so I make sure I put a reminder in any note that has any to dos in it.  You can see the post I did about Sunrise Calendar and Evernote here.

How do you keep track of all of your to dos?


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