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25 things about me

Donna had this posted on her blog and I thought I would play along. So here are 25 things about me.

  1. I have the most wonderful husband in the whole world. He is very supportive and does so much for me. I LOVE him very very much.
  2. My son is the best surprise I ever got. He was not planned but he is the BEST thing ever.
  3. I have two wonderful dogs. Gunner is a beagle and Meg is a chocolate lab.
  4. I love to take pictures. I love my camera and what I see through it.
  5. I love tea, hot or iced, it does not matter!
  6. Eeyore is my favorite character.
  7. I love to cross stitch
  8. and scrapbook.
  9. My mom is my best friend..I tell her everything and I talk to her at least once a day (sometimes more).
  10. My dh and I were married in Florida on the was one of the best days of my life.
  11. On May 10th we will be married for 5 years but we have been together for 10 +/- a few.
  12. I just watched the movie Happy Gilmore and I kinda liked it.
  13. I love the Anne of Green Gables series and I am dying to go to Prince Edward Island, Novascotia.
  14. I was very lucky to have my Great Grandparents alive until I was into my teenage years. My Great Grandfather passed away the summer before my senior year in highschool. He was the best man I have ever known!! I miss him more than I can explain!!
  15. I did not get my drivers license until I was 18. I always had a boyfriend to drive me around.
  16. During high school I lived with my Aunt and Uncle and helped her with my great grandfather and helped take care of my two cousins.
  17. I had an awful time turning 30 and said I would not have anymore birthdays. It sounds so dumb now... but I am still 29 and holding.
  18. I cry VERY easily. Jason often teases me and will give me the box of tissues.
  19. I have the craziest sleeping schedule. I sleep when I want and for hours and hours at a time. Even days at a time.
  20. A lot of my friends are having babies and I am totally jealous of them because I would give anything to have a baby with Jason.
  21. I have fibromyalgia and it really really sucks. Some days are fine and then others I just want to give up and would do anything to get rid of the pain.
  22. I take way too much medication and wish I could just stop taking it all.
  23. I love all colors but right now I am leaning toward purple and I think I am going to paint my scrapbook room purple.
  24. I am going to also paint Hunter's room green because he loves anything army and wants an army green room.
  25. I wanted to be a Special Education teacher but I did not finish college. I kick myself in the a@@ every day. I should have let nothing at all stop me from what I wanted to do but I did!!


  1. Enjoyed reading this and learning about you!!

  2. I have fibro too and also take too many, how did we get stuck like this? ;o)

  3. Thanks for playing along with me. I so enjoyed reading about you!

  4. I'm one of the cousins you helped take care of :)


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