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A Creative Rut

I do think that I have hit a brick wall...creatively. I want to scrap...I go in my room and look at all my stuff...but there is no creative juice flowing. I continue to take pictures...lots that are still on my digital camera card (note to self...get them off the card and on the computer!) Maybe I am tired of my scrapping supplies...seems like I have the same old crap and just cant seem to use anything up. Yeah...I know I am just rambling hoping that somewhere out there someone will be reading this and have some ideas for me.

I think a lot of the creative block is due to some things that are going on with me. We are trying to have a baby and it is not going all that well...much harder this time around. Being on hormones in picnic either! Then there is work...I hate is boring and I just don't feel like going there. Yeah, I know we need the money but my sanity is more important. I have been sucking it up and going just hoping that some day something is going to happen to fix all this crap that is going on.

Since I started working I hardly ever get to see Jason and that is really bothering me...I did not think that it would but I really really miss him! I miss the time that we had just the two of us during the day when Hunter would be in school. Last summer we had fun during the day while Jason and I were both home and then at night, if I was not working, Hunter and I would just chill...I wish it were like that again! Yes, everything has to change but I'm not liking this change!

Well...that is all for to look at some inspiration and then I'm off to bed. Here is hoping that the creative bug hits me while I sleep so I can scrap while Hunter is at football practice tomorrow night. (yes, he is playing football...he loves it...figures!)

Night all!


  1. shannon,
    I really need to hear from you about international peas CJ.
    I have tracked all journals and know where yours is located. But, I also need to confirm that you have the following Meghan, Lenore, Katie, Rhonda, and Becs. Meghan, says she mailed those to you. I have emailed you at photos of the covers of these girls CJ. Please email me to verify, I will be posting my complete finding on two peas in the next day or two. But, I would really like to hear from you before that time to confirm. You are the last pea I need to make contact with

  2. Hey Shannon,
    I realise that the blog entry I just read was August but I just wanted to say I hope things are working out for you. A couple of months ago I hit the same wall, all me creativity went out the window and no matter how hard I tried nothing would happen and if it di it was YUK! But the good news is I perservered and now I'm back creating madly, their isn't enough hours in the day to play....maybe if I didn't go to work! Bad idea I need the money for toys, saving madly to buy the Cricut Expressions at the moment so yeah it's off to work I go...don't really love that at the moment but it'a a means to an end.
    Hope the world's a bit brighter for you now anyway.

  3. Hey Sweet...

    I know how you feel I had one of these a little while back. I took awhile to get over it. Dont force it it will come. What helped me was sitting at my computer looking at my photos then sitting there with a sketch pad and making notes etc..

    Miss you too..


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