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Simplify Your Life

While reading some stuff on a few websites I came up with a list...that I plan to add to and simplify my life.

  1. Take a moment each day to be greatful
  2. Make sure to plan time for a vacation each year--give yourself a break and relax
  3. Make time for yourself
  4. Make goals--Keep a list and update as needed
  5. Get organized--will reduce stress
  6. Clean out/Throw out--if you're not using it get rid of it by donating, selling, etc.
  7. "Declutter"--set some guidelines--once a week, once a month, etc.--go room by room and remove the clutter
  8. To do list--helps keep things in "check"--If you don't get it done today dont't stress...just move it to the next day. **I just started this today--I made a list of the things that I need/want to do. I am checking them off as I go. I have a notebook by my computer and I am going to do it for each far it is really helping--4 things checked off already. I am putting both household stuff and scrapping stuff all in the same list.**
  9. Say no instead of yes--don't commit to too many things...if you need to "schedule" things it's time to cut back
  10. **Love this one** Carry a smaller purse--cuts out the clutter. **The best part is that I just bought a really cute "small" purse the other day and LOVE it**


  1. Now this is a great list that most people could use! Now it's just following through! Good luck!

  2. I just love your list. I hope it works for you. I love the just say "NO" instead of yes. That would be the 1st thing on my list. lol


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