Today while I was at work I received a notice on my phone that I had an Evernote reminder for today. I was excited because I knew when I got a chance to do some genealogy today that I would be following up on this reminder instead of sitting at my computer trying to figure out what I needed to work on. First I created a Pennsylvania death certificate search list from my Legacy database and saved it as a pdf. When I have some time I go through my list and look for the death certs on When I find the death certificate I save it to my computer and then process it. I saved Christianna Daum's death certificate as 6769 -- Christianna Elizabeth Cadwallader Daum in my Cadwallader surname file on my computer. [Christianna is my 4th great grandmother]. I then pulled [drag and drop] the death certificate into Evernote in a new note and add the appropriate tags [#1] and title [#3]. I also add the url of where I got the death certificate from [...
Sharing my love for Genealogy and Crafting | Est. 2006