Great blog post at harmonenterprises blog by Stacey Harmon about tagging or using stacked notebooks to organize in Evernote. I use both. I have a notebook for each project or main subject and then within that notebook are stacked notebooks to break it down. I use an inbox notebook where every note goes that comes into Evernote; from there I review and sort each note. My notebooks are always changing depending on what I am working on. When I start a project it gets a notebook stack and when I finish the project I keep what I need to keep. Those notes go to a filing cabinet notebook and get tagged with relevant notes. I try to make sure the notes have informational titles so it is easier to search for a note if I need to. About twice a year I go through all of my notes one by one and delete the ones that are not relevant. I did not think I would be deleting as many as I do but a lot of them I do not need to keep. Be sure t...
Sharing my love for Genealogy and Crafting | Est. 2006