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Showing posts from August, 2017

I've hit a brick wall!

I have been stuck on Reverend  A lvah Russel Rutan for quite some time.  He is my husband's 3rd great grandfather.  He born in New Jersey 7 Mar 1821 and he died 12 Mar 1877.  I loose him and his family in the 1870 census, then I have an 1876 map that shows where his farm is, and then a will dated 10 March 1877 (the will brings up many questions for another post).  I have no idea who his parents are. Alvah is most notably known for his involvement in the Fishing Creek Confederacy he was  a rrested at least twice in 1864 before being sent to trial for draft resistance. The image above is  A lvah's Individual Information screen and you can see in his Events/Facts the two times he was arrested, his trial, when he was sent to prison, and when he was released from prison(where the green arrows are).  You can also see that I have an Event/Fact called note; I use the note Event/Fact to keep all of my information together where I can ea...

Interesting finds around the web

Using social media to start a conversation. HTML cheat sheet Using Evernote as a Genealogical Research Log An informal research log in Evernote 8 YouTube channels to improve your genealogy More tips for using Evernote with your genealogy Have you found anything interesting around the web??